Hello Everyone,
Well for those of you who don't know we are having a baby. That's right the Thornton family will be growing by one little person some time around January 17, 2009. For whatever strange reason the announcement of our bundle of joy kept getting delayed.
Today Shelley had the ultrasound so it seemed the perfect opportunity to tell everyone, those who did know and those who didn't, about our great news. The ultrasound was exciting and all the doctor's appointments have been great. We are also fully in the business of shopping for baby items and having fun doing that. There sure is a lot to choose from. We have begun rearranging the house to make room for baby and for visitors. We have also decided to leave the sex of the baby as a surprise.
With all the cool things that happen with preparations for baby and when baby actually comes we have taken a cue from other people's books and are going to keep a blog. The address is:
We think this will help keep emails small picture wise. We are going to post the ultrasound pictures there tonight. We'll put one with this email. More stuff will be put up as it happens. The next big email will probably happen when we welcome the little one to this world or if anything else exciting happens.
We just wanted to share the good news with all of you.
We'll talk to you soon,
Bryan and Shelley
P.S. If you know of anyone who got missed here forward this on and let us know so we can include them next time