Saturday, April 4, 2009

Let's Compare

Isabel 2009 Shelley 1979
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Isabel & Domino

Hmmm.... I wonder if there is any spit up I can eat.
I think were being watched.
What I'm being good. I'm just laying here with Isabel.

Someone please turn this seat around. I really want to watch TV.
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Domino Trying to help.

Isabel working on tummy time and rolling over.
Domino trying to encourage her by giving kissing behind the ear.

Come on Isabel you can rollover to your back. Here let me help.
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Restless night

Isabel must of had a restless night.
We put her to bed with her head in line with the turtle and back to the turtle.

and end up sideways and legs bunched up. If she wasn't in as a bunting bag I'm sure her legs would be hanging out the crib.
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How do I look??

How do I look with black and white hair?

What about grey and white?

No,I think I'll stick to my blond hair and play with Domino's tail since he's ignoring me.

Cover Pic on Today's Parent

Look I'm on the cover of Today's Parent......

okay it's not me but we match