Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dressed up for Halloween

Isabel all dressed up for Halloween and too young to go out. But she had fun being dressed up and playing with the gourds and Halloween treats.

Since Isabel had two costumes we dressed her up in the bear costume on the Friday before Halloween to show her off at Bryan's work. She then wore her penguin costume to answer the door for the trick or treaters.

Riding around

Isabel having fun getting pushed around on her car.

Carving the Pumpkin

Watching mommy clean out the pumpkin.

Isabel having lots of fun with the pumpkin.

Pumpkin guts didn't last very long with Isabel when she tried to eat them.

Isabel Playing

Looking for more toys....
I've found my toy now how do I get out?

Daddy starting me early on Coca-Cola

But the lid is in the way.

Isabel playing with her friend Liam in Ontario. Had lots of toys to play with but the water bottle was the favorit.

Isabel & Cousin Grady

Isabel and Grady looking out Gradma Linda's window.

Grady found a confortable seat on Isabel.